Stanley C. Myers Health Center

Nearby Clinic

About This Clinic

This is a SLIDING SCALE clinic. The costs for clinic services are based on either your income or they offer type of financial assistance. Contact the clinic directly to discuss prices for individual services which vary. Sliding Scale does not necessarily mean free. The Dental Department staffs one full-time and one part-time dentist, a full time dental hygienist and two full time dental assistants.They offer preventive and basic dental services, essential to prevent further complications and pain. It includes:-diagnosis-oral hygiene instructions-sealants (a plastic fill painted on the chewing surfaces of molars-children receive the greatest benefit from it)-restorations/fillings (used to restore decay areas)-scalings-cleanings-fluoride application-extractions (pull teeth)-emergency treatmentsAccept the following ACA / Marketplace plans for medical and pharmacy:-Aetna-Coventry One-Florida Blue-Florida Blue HMO-Humana-Molina-Preferred Medical PlanIn addition, they're in process of contracting with Ambetter (Sunshine Health) and Cigna and should be participating with those two plans soon.  ACA out-of-pocket costs may be eligible for their self-pay, sliding scale policy which will result in discounts for some Medicare participants. Work Hour   Monday 7:00 AM - 6:00 PMTuesday 7:00 AM - 5:00 PMWednesday 7:00 AM - 6:00 PMThursday 7:00 AM - 5:00 PMFriday 7:00 AM - 5:00 PMSaturday closedSunday closed

Services Area

Miami Beach

2022 US Federal Poverty Guidelines

for the 48 contiguous states and the District of Columbia

Persons in family / householdPoverty guideline
For families/households with more than 8 persons, add $5,430 for each additional person.